Four ways to make your smile bright in Hartford CT

teeth whitening Bright smile

Bright Smile

Bright Smile is on everyone’s wish list, and everyone always craves to get it. It can be effortless to achieve, but people may find it so hard to get. It is essential to understand the basic fundamental of making a bright smile. 

What happens when you whiten up your teeth to achieve a bright smile?

When you use a whitening product, the peroxide breaks the stains and make the teeth whiter. Peroxide is either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Once the whitening product is used, the teeth will whiten up. However, after a few months, the color will change back to its original color. So it is essential to use whitening products continuously.

Does your whitening treatment work on all teeth?

The treatment will work on tooth structure; however, if you have fillings or veneers, it will not whiten your teeth. If you are planning to get dental fillings or veneers on your teeth, it is important to whiten your teeth first and then do your dental treatment.

Does over whitening effect the way my teeth are?

It is essential to follow the instructions on the products manual. If you don’t follow the direction, it is highly likely you will end up with weakened enamel. It can cause permanent damage to the tooth enamel and sensitiveness of the teeth.

Bright Smile Treatment

A bright smile is a beautiful white smile that can be achieved through one of the following four ways. 

1. Whitening Toothpaste

Any whitening toothpaste will work good but the amount of whitening achieved can be limited.

2. Whitening Strips

 Whitening strips bought over the counter can help whiten the teeth.

3. Take-Home Whitening Tray Kit

The dentist makes the bleaching trays for the patient. The patient can then wear the bleaching trays on the teeth with whitening gel loaded in the tray. It can be done at the comfortable home setting. The peroxide is much more concentrated than over the counter products like whitening strips or toothpaste. Hence Take-Home kits give much better results.

4. In-Office Bleaching Treatment

It requires a dentist office appointment to do an In-Office Bleaching. The amount of peroxide is much more concentrated and is done under activating light. It is the best form of bleaching treatment. Teeth sensitiveness is common after In-office bleaching. Hence, topical fluoride treatment is done at the end of the treatment.