Space Maintainers

Space Maintainers Types

Space maintainers are temporary prosthesis either removable or fixed to the teeth. They maintain the spaces created by early removal of the primary teeth.

Band And Loop

When one-two teeth are missing on one side of the mouth, band and loop is the best option. First, the dentist cements the band on the last tooth. A loop extends from the band towards the tooth on the other side of the space. The loop maintains the space of missing primary molar teeth. When the permanent teeth erupt, the dentist removes the band and loop.

Lingual Arch

Missing teeth on both sides of the mouth requires a lingual arch. It extends from one side of the mouth to the other side. Lingual arch maintains the arch form by allowing all the teeth to erupt on the outer border. Finally, the dentist removes the lingual arch after the eruption of the permanent teeth.

Distal Shoe

When a permanent six-year-old molar has not erupted, the dentist surgically needs to place a distal shoe space maintainer to replace primary molar teeth.